The Holy Family Institute is the first secular institute (aggregated to the Society of St. Paul) begun exclusively for married and widowed Catholics. Members take private vows (in a public, Church regulated ceremony) of poverty, chastity and obedience and make a promise of fidelity to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. These vows are adapted according to the conditions of the married state and the normal requirements of family life. The Institute was begun in 1960 and received full approbation from the Holy See in 1993.
The Holy Family Institute is a part of the Pauline Family; one of 10 Religious Orders, begun by Blessed James Alberione early in this century. The Pauline Family is dedicated to evangelization through the media, and it carries on a worldwide prayer crusade for good media and in reparation for the misuse of media.
The Holy Family Institute makes families aware of the media and encourages them to take some practical steps to put their awareness to good use: